The Arms Race

Arms vs arms

The Arms Race

Life was tough in No Man’s Land;
Everybody was fighting.
The scene was a battlefield
Of Me Me Me, No Me First!
Always in capital letters.
“Race to arms! Race to arms!
The threat is imminent
The hordes are coming
Race to arms! Race to arms!”

And among the Mes were a few
Who banded together
And bought arms
With which to fight the other Mes
With force and with might.
To take control of No Man’s Land.

So, of course, other Mes banded together
And they bought arms from
The Peaceful Fifedoms
Who had all the beef and pork
And all the good whiskey
And they, too, set out
To conquer No Man’s Land.

“Race to arms! Race to arms!
The threat is imminent
The hordes are coming
Race to arms! Race to arms!”
The result was, of course,
A lesson in futility
As each fusilade
In this arms race
killed and wounded
The thousands of Mes
And left the Earth scorched
And what life that was left
Was utterly miserable.

Then one wounded Me
Scanned the black, smoking rubble
Of landscape,
And mourned the loss of…
Desolate, this Me
Hung his head in shame.

But across the field of
Wreckage and heaps of bodies,
Another Me looked out
Across the former plain
And saw the shamefaced Me.
They locked eyes…
And something stirred within their souls.
The two Mes
Plowed their way–
No, they raced
Across the Loss
Into each others Arms
For solace,
And they discovered…
They set forth to aid
Their fellow sufferers
In a race to hug and heal.

And they roused and rallied
The survivors
In a race to Arms,
The Arms that hug,
The Arms of
And peace…
And there was hope
Born that day
In No Man’s Land.

In No Man’s Land,
Where so many live!

So give a hug a day.
Heck, give a thousand hugs
In a Race to Arms,
The Arms
Of Humanity.
Join the the real Arms Race.

Race to Arms! Race to Arms!
Your enemy now needs you,
She needs a hug to heal–
Race to Arms! Race to Arms!
©H. W. Bryce, Idealist 2015, The Arms Race

***Alzheimer’s is a battlefield. Race to Arms.***

Illustrations from Word Clip Art
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About admin

Judge at 6th Rabindrinath Tagore Awards - International - English Poetry Contest Author of Ann, A Tribute, and Chasing a Butterfly, A story of love and loss to Acceptance with the poetry of Alzheimer's and poetry for everybody. Appears in anthologies in Canada, US, India, Mexico and Bolivia. Poetry in Ekphrastic Review and NWriteers International Networeworld Review. Member of Federation of BC Wrters, Royal City Literary Society, and Holy Wow Poets Canada. Member Writers International Network: Distinguished Poet, Distinguished writer.
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