Harry’s Memory: Missing in Action



Harry’s Memory:

Missing in Action

Mary sent me out for yeast for her recipe;
Also some milk, some coffee and a loaf of bread to hold us over.

Mary jokes about it. She says, Oh, Harry’s memory: missing in action.

I went to the car and reached for my key.
Must have forgotten my key.
I went back in. She was holding the key out for me,
Shaking her head. She shoved my favourite hat onto my head
And admonished me not to go out without it.
I went out to the car and reached for my key,
It wasn’t in my left pocket, nor my right;
I transferred the object in my had
To check my shirt pocket. I lost my grip on the object
And it fell to the concrete with a Jangle.
It was the key.
I started up and drove toward the store.
I turned right at the corner.
Turns out, I should have turned left.
It took three more rights to get back on track.

I’m not saying about the parking on the store lot.
Suffice to say the lady was not amused.
Anyway, the insurance will cover it.

I found the toffee, I found the bread,
I bought bananas and raisins and buns;
And two litres of cola.

I found the car. It was still drivable.
I headed out. On the way, I spotted the Tim Horton’s.
I pulled into the lot.
The scratch my loose bumper left on the other car
Was hardly noticeable.
I was supposed to meet Marcia there.
I’m sure of it. I was supposed to meet Marcia there.
I tucked in with a long john and a hot chocolate.
So what the doctor said take it easy on the sugar?
It’s only once a month.

I was surprised when I found my way home
To find Mary tapping her toe and looking at her watch.
Where are the groceries?
Gro— Oh. They must be in the car.
She opened the bags and pawed through them
With a most peculiar expression on her face.

So where is my yeast? She put it to me
That her recipe was waiting for that secret ingredient.


Harry’s Memory: Missing in action

You’d better go back, she said, here let me write it down.
A list of one. Surely you can remember that?
Now go. Wait. Where is your hat?
My hat?
Yes you had a hat when you went out. You have no hat when you came in.
Just then the phone rang.
Hello? Doughnut shop? What? He’s a regular there?
Oh is he, she said. So that’s where he goes.
No wonder he’s getting so fat.

Fat? Me? Fat? I looked down. Now where are my feet?

She wheeled on my. Go, she said,
In that controlled manner that always confuses me.
Straight to the store. Get the yeast.
Come straight home.
No wait. Go by the doughnut shop and get your hat.

I turned to go.
Wait, she said, aren’t you forgetting something?
She was holding out the keys.

I went to the car. It was still running. Who the heck?
Oh. She gave me the spare key.
Who’s forgetful now, eh? Ha-ha.
I headed out. I turned righ—
Oh,not again. Shoulda turned left.
Three more right turns.
Anyway, there was no sign of that lady on the parking lot.
I found the toffee, I found the buns
I bought a hand of bananas…

CREDITS: Lost keys – https://mind42.com/public/99528574-ee4b-4536-bc23-62373a129432
ist of one – Clip Art. No link found.

About admin

Judge at 6th Rabindrinath Tagore Awards - International - English Poetry Contest Author of Ann, A Tribute, and Chasing a Butterfly, A story of love and loss to Acceptance with the poetry of Alzheimer's and poetry for everybody. Appears in anthologies in Canada, US, India, Mexico and Bolivia. Poetry in Ekphrastic Review and NWriteers International Networeworld Review. Member of Federation of BC Wrters, Royal City Literary Society, and Holy Wow Poets Canada. Member Writers International Network: Distinguished Poet, Distinguished writer.
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