Virtual Medal



Virtual Medal

A quiet town lay quiet on the quiet countryside,
A quiet car pulls up on the quiet parking lot
Of a quiet market store on a quiet market day,
A soldier wearing civvies walks to the quiet store
As a car across the lot roars in an angry kind of way
And speeds toward the soldier, who thinks of buying gifts,
And hits the unsuspecting soldier and sends his soul adrift.

The soldier lands on pavement, and never moves again.
He had no time to run, no time to think or pray.
Under sparkling sunlight, his lifeless body lay—
No kiss, no hug, no loving soft caress,
No one to say the blessing, to say goodbye brave soul,
But we, the quiet people, will etch his deeds on scroll,
And we will surely call his name on our honour roll.

The soldier helped to save our peace and all our precious things,
We pray for him that he has earned eternal angel’s wings.
And we shall remember him in all our thoughts and prayers,
For quiet served the quiet man in quiet manly ways.
We thank you for your service, we’ll see your family well;
Think not your service was for naught, your memory will stay.
Accept this virtual medal, hear our virtual bugle play.

–H. W. Bryce

— —
In remembrance of W/O Patrice Vincent and special memories for all veterans in hospital, care or nursing home, with PTSD, depression, those haunted with painful memories, are physically or mentally maimed, are homeless…and to all service persons of all services who have lost their lives while off duty, like in the case of W/O Patrice Vincent, many of whom are suffering with Dementia/Alzheimer’s.

Do not forget.

To them, good health, good cheer, and good luck. Keep the faith and be ever well.


About admin

Judge at 6th Rabindrinath Tagore Awards - International - English Poetry Contest Author of Ann, A Tribute, and Chasing a Butterfly, A story of love and loss to Acceptance with the poetry of Alzheimer's and poetry for everybody. Appears in anthologies in Canada, US, India, Mexico and Bolivia. Poetry in Ekphrastic Review and NWriteers International Networeworld Review. Member of Federation of BC Wrters, Royal City Literary Society, and Holy Wow Poets Canada. Member Writers International Network: Distinguished Poet, Distinguished writer.
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