Remember Billie?
She said Remember that time when you came around and called me?
He said What time was that?
She said You know, that time you yelled up at my window. Hey Annie, you called.
He said O-kaaay
She said You must remember
He said Give me a hint
She said You said Hey Annie, we need another man and I said What for and you said you know what for…
He said Oh yes. And…I said To make up the team of course
She said Yes. You were a man short for your rugby match
He said Yes, and you came down and played a helluva game for us
She said Yes
She laughs with glee at the memory
He said Yes, and you got big bruises on your shins and were afraid to show your mother
She said Yes. Yes. But it was such fun
He said Yeees. It must have been
She said What do you mean?
He said Ohh, nothing
She said But you must remember
He said Yes
She said Yes. And remember the time you took me to watch a game in the Premier League?
He said Yes. It was a thrilling game and our team was losing by two—
She said And then?
He said And then Benson got a breakaway. He rushed the keeper, he feinted, the keeper leaned to the left and Benson deked to the right, kicked and–
She said He scored
He said Yes. And you got so excited you beat the man in front of you on the head and knocked his cap off
She said I did, didn’t I? Well it was exciting
He said Yes it was. It was so exciting they threw us out of the stadium
She said They didn’t have to do that
He said Maybe not. But you didn’t make it easy for them
She laughs
He said You kept screaming Go team! Go team! All the way out
She said It was such a good game
He said Yesss, it was. And you never got to see the tying goal
She said Go team. We had fun, didn’t we?
He said Yes we did. So did Billie
She said Billie?
He said Yes, Billie. You must remember Billie
She said Billie? Billie who?
He said Billie. Your cousin. Billie. In England.
She said Ohhhh. Yessss. He was such a dear
He said Well, that was Billie
She said What was?
He said That guy you played rugby with, the one who took you to the big game you got thrown out of
She said Ohhhhh, yes. (She laughs) But that was such fun
He said I’m so glad you have such fond memories
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Picture Credit: ©CC0 Public Domain — Free for commercial use – No attribution required.
Pen illustration by Clip Art.