A Stream of (un)consiousness
(Not a poem)
Store prices
(Read as a chant or a rap)
It’s shopping day. Oh my.
Gotta stock up for the whole next month
spend enough money you get a free gift,
like a 12-packo’ batteries
for those electronic gizmos
that you can’t afford
or buy as a special for only five bucks
guess it’s a deal but can’t afford, aw shucks.
Here’s my shopping list for next month:
EVERYthing! Every damned thing!
but What’s the use of a list? Guess I’ll just wing
it and look for real deals, try to avoid the sting.
Store prices, store prices
to afford these modern store prices,
well, aflluence doesn’t do it
you have to be extremely affluent;
for everything is extreme these days:
movie scripts, attitudes, price fixing…
prices extreme on the high
income extreme on the low
the more modern we get,
the harder on the po’
the harder is the row we have to hoe.
Shopping day
not even my fav-o-rit
never get enough of the items on my list
not even enough to get an ache in my wrist
when I carry it home. Not even a bit.
Here’s what I get for my money:
3 pounds spuds, 2 apples,
1 package oat meal,
1 litre milk, 1 loaf bread
1 treat, bottle Snapple,
2 cans fava beans ’stead o’ meat
¼ pound margarine, ain’t that neat?
1 dz eggs
1 2-Lb package grain-ola
2 shopping bags to carry
at five cents each
nothing left to go to the beach
This amount of money used to more than fill the cart
The difference represents this sorrow in my heart
Store prices, store prices,
definition of inflation
wallet deflation
spirit depression
income reduction
life in crisis
life on a limb
debt to the brim
not smart to be prim
no strength left to grin
prices, prices,
prices are a sin
prices are a sin
Not meant to rhyme ’cause the experience don’t
gotta cut back ’cause the pricers won’t
Hate that darned old shopping day
however ya look at it, whichever way
Question is: How can I feed my loved one who sits in my care with Dementia?
Image Credits:
Both: Pixabay– CC0 Public Domain Free for commercial use No attribution required
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