How I wish the gotta gottas would jest get up and git,
Making me so mad I just gotta spit,
Oh to have a break in the relentless gotta dos,
Why I tell you, it’s enough to drive a guy to booze.
Gotta do, gotta do, gotta do
Gotta clean the kitchen, gotta do the clothes,
Gotta do the laundry, pay the ones I owes,
Gotta do the dishes, gotta sweep the floor,
Gotta do so many things there’s no time to bore,
Gotta do gotta do gotta do
Gotta tend to business, gotta pay the bills,
Gotta phone the dentist, gotta churn the mill,
Gotta meet the doctor, gotta answer phones,
Gotta keep within the loop, keeping up with Jones.
Gotta do gotta do gotta do
Gotta keep the job, gotta pay those dues,
Gott pay the taxes, keeping up with the news,
You never know what’s gonna come and hit ya,
Or what is is that came back and bit ya.
Oh weary me, gotta do, gotta do, gotta do
Gotta finish up the chores, feel I’m in the wars,
Gotta patch the roof before the sky downpours,
Never gonna catch me up with the gotta gottas dos,
I’m working so hard I got the hotta hottas hues.
Gotta do gotta do gotta do
Busy busy Gotta, Gotta Gotta be doing,
Don’t even have the time to do the boo-hooing.
Tell me Mother why I’m on this earth,
Five-minute breaks are certainly a dearth.
Gotta do, gotta do, gotta do
You Gotta come there, and you gotta go here,
Got so darned busy you’re drinking warm beer.
Gotta listen to the rumours of a thing called rest,
From all the accounts I hear, rest is the best.
Gotta do, gotta do, gotta do
Gotta jump the hoop, gotta ‘tend a meetin’,
So many folks there I have to be a greetin’,
So many faces to be a-memberin’,
So many smiles my face is agrin’in’.
How I wish the gottas would just get up and git,
Making me so mad I just gotta spit.
Oh to have a break in the relentless gotta dos,
Why I tell you, it’s enough to drive a guy to booze.
Gotta do, gotta do, gotta do
— —
This is great Herb
Thank you Adrienne Catherall. I very much appreciate your feedback.