I’ll Be there
Wherever there’s a jelly salad,
I’ll be there!
Wherever there’s a peanut butter cup,
I’ll be there!
Wherever there’s a chocolate mousse
I’ll be there!
Oh look, it’s apple pie and I, oh my…
Well yes, of course I dare!
And for you, dear, wherever there is you, I’ll be there.
I’ll be there for you dear, you can swear by that,
Whatever you desire, dear, I’ll be there for that.
I’ll be there, I’ll be there,
Whatever you need, dear, I will dare,
And if you come into danger, dear,
You can bet that I’ll be there. I’ll be there.
And If you have some ice cream to serve,
You bet I think that I deserve
To share a scoop, to complete the loop
From dessert to the next dessert,
’Cause I love sweets. I need my sweets.
And if you have some sweet, sweet words,
I’ll be there!
And if you want me to sing along with birds,
I’ll be there!
And if you want to dance a waltz,
You bet your boots, I’ll be there.
Anything your heart desires, my dear,
I’ll, be there, I’ll be there, I’ll be there
But don’t forget the sweet things, dear,
You know I love all sweet things, dear,
If there’s sugar in it, dear, I’ll be there,
I’ll be there, I’ll be there, I’ll be there.
If you can make a slurpy, I’ll be there,
If you can bake mering-ue pie,
For which I think I’d happy die,
Or mix a peanut butter chocolate blend,
Boy oh boy, I’ll be there.
And when you’re ill, I’ll stay with you until
You can smile again, don’t you dare
Count me out, I’ll be there.
I promise you, my dear, always I’ll be there.

Smooth co-operation and consultation related professionals are the keys to a safe home care.
Department of Nursing of the University of Turku participates in eight countries in the common Right Time Place Care -tutkimuskokonaisuuteen, which is directed to the memory of sick elderly people at home and cared for. EU-funded research carried out in 2010-2013.:
CREDITS: http://goodyfoodies.blogspot.ca/ and scroll down
Hands: https://www.utu.fi/fi/Ajankohtaista/Uutiset/arkisto/muistisairaan_kotihoito_on_vaativa_kokonaisuus.html