Bowlful of Seashells
H. W. Bryce
I have on my desk
a bowlful of seashells.
As I sit and stare at them
My gaze waters and ripples,
And out of the shadowy colours
Wavers an image–
Of myself:
On the sand,
In the lace of the water,
The sun blazing down on my bare, browning back.
I wade with a downward glance.
My eyes catch a glimmer,
And I stop.
My hand enters the froth
With my ankle-deep feet.
When I straighten, I hold . . .
A seashell;
Or a small, lined pebble:
Black, sketched with white veins,
Brown with black belt, red–
Another seashell:
A scarlet, scalloped shell,
Or a tiny, black pearl of a shell,
Pink, purple, brown,
Hollow and spiral shells.
Portraits of former sea lives.
I carried them home, these shells,
And the pebbles, with some tiles,
And marble from a Roman ruin.
They lay there for years undisturbed.
Then we rummaged them through,
My wife and me.
She was thrilled and excitedly said:
“They’re too pretty to touch!”
Almost wept for the frailer ones, crushed,
There, at the bottom of the bag.
She took them
And scattered the pieces onto a card,
And framed them:
A montage of memories,
A memento of many stooping minutes
Which, we agreed,
Were not wasted.
A wave washes the image.
The shells shimmer . . .
My stare . . . stops.
And there lay my memories,
So many portraits . . .
A bowlful of seashells.
To those better times with Ann.
Published in the Richmond Review, London, England, 1960s;
My seashells were gathered along the North African coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
CREDITS: The glass bowlful of seashells – Pixabay
The seashell on hand:
credit Photo by
Clint McKoy on
Chasing a Butterfly
Through the close-up lens of his heart, Herb Bryce takes us on a journey into the hazy world of the Alzheimer’s afflicted. He paints a loving and tender picture with words of his life and love, gently unravelling the pages from the spool of his soul. ~ …
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About admin
Judge at 6th Rabindrinath Tagore Awards - International - English Poetry Contest
Author of Ann, A Tribute, and Chasing a Butterfly, A story of love and loss to Acceptance with the poetry of Alzheimer's and poetry for everybody.
Appears in anthologies in Canada, US, India, Mexico and Bolivia.
Poetry in Ekphrastic Review and NWriteers International Networeworld Review.
Member of Federation of BC Wrters, Royal City Literary Society, and Holy Wow Poets Canada.
Member Writers International Network: Distinguished Poet, Distinguished writer.