H. W. Bryce

Ahhhhh! The sweet aroma of coffee and eggs,
That first sniff of a new minted day, newspaper
On door step, hair all askew, bleary and blinking eyes
Focussed on you; ah, that sweet sleepy smile of yours,
That early morning twinkle, snug memories of
Last night, the enticement of a delicious
Croisant day, rainbw faces with sleepy cat smiles
And haloes shining all around with good cheer
Bubbling like the coffee perking on hot stove.
I love you dear.
People ought to be taught This art of spreading the joy…
Love’s not a toy, neither for girl nor for boy,
Love is for sharing, for each other and for others.
Breathe in, smell the rose-petal scent of sweet caring,
Have a cookie pink-iced sunshiny day –
Enjoy your work, leave time for some play,
Have a fresh-scented bacon kind of a lunch,
Feel the healing power of a job well done
And do a ginger-bread good deed,
With a sugar-coated handshake on a solid bread deal,
And tie a bow ribbon on a bouquet of feel
Good flower-like hugs.
Spread peace like you scatter seeds in a garden
And everywhere you go, leave a genuine
Gold-plated smile. It will carry the receiver a couple of mile.
Then sleep that tinker bell blessed sleep
And wake up next morn, find your land legs
To a soft cinnamon bun day. Smile me your sleepy cat smile,
And savour that sweet, sweet aroma of coffee and eggs.
—Memories of Ann