LOOK AWAY , but…

H. W. Bryce
You look away for one minute
And the whole world changes.
And things aren’t what they used to be;
Things aren’t where they should be,
People are neither where they were
Nor doing what they used to do.
It is strangely disorienting.
Some twisted fate in the
Time continuum that left me behind
Has skewed the space I’m in,
Stirred the pot, changed the meanings,
Hardened the palette, altered
The colours, and left me standing
In a dour cloak of black and white
Where the grey ought to be.
Was it me? Did I black out? Why
Did the world go on when I looked away?
What was the rush, what need
Was there there? What troubles
Did it elude, what trouble did it
Stir? Why do I feel I have entered
A worm hole? Which way is out?
Why oh why did I look away?
Ah, well! Best keep my eye on the ball.
Else the one in time’s square will
Take it all with it as it crashes down
Upon the old year and opens the
Doorway to a strange new world
And intruduces the new kid in diapers.
And what has he to teach us, pray tell?
Oh, to keep up with the Times and
Not wait for old news to become
New news again. Must find a way
To keep current; must make time,
But not borrow, for borrowed time
Can never be made up. So be brave,
My boy, be brave. March on! March on!
I will do my best. I will do my bit.
Happy is the happy one who
Digs in and does. I’ll do.
Finding personal peace in a turbulent world,
That is my quest as I focus my eye.
When this year’s curtain falls and a new one
Opens up, I will not turn away.
I will not turn away.
Images: Pixabay