H. W. Bryce
She tried to sit upon the couch–
But Kitty cat was there.
She tried to sit her down to eat–
But Kitty cat was there.
She took a stroll and tried to think–
But Kitty cat was there.
She went from dining room to kitchen sink
And from the sink into her den–
And Kitty cat was there.
She worked and then she headed for
Her favourite easy chair,
But wouldn’t you just know?
Yes you know,
Kitty cat was there!
Come end of day and tired out,
She tried to go to bed,
And bless my soul,
Of course, you know,
Kitty cat was there!
Should she despair?
Is this a something to repair?
I’m thinking not;
Just pick a spot
And worry not,
Kitty cat will first be there!
So she cuddles up with Kitty cat,
For you cannot make a cat to scat,
For truth be told that in the end,
Kitty cat’s your friend.
— —
For you cat lovers. This kitty cat – Mr. Cougar – was my Ann’s cat. He’s mine now (he said proudly, but really, I am his – you know cats).
As most of you know, Ann suffered through Alzheimer’s, and this is Alzheimer’s Awareness month. You also know about pet therapy. When you visit, take your pet along – pre-approved, of course.
“Kitty Cat Was There” is from my book “Chasing a Butterfly,” which I wrote during those Alzheimer’s days.
So, During January, I am donating 20% of all sales to the Alzheimer’s Society to help fight this epidemic.
You can order your copy of Chasing a Butterfly: A journey in poems of love and loss to acceptance, via
Friesen Press:…/H.-W.-Bryce-Chasing-a-Butt…
It makes a great gift for Alzheimer’s families and friends.
Thank you.