Have you ever seen an owl laugh?
He thinks that we people are so funny…
We are so earthly bound and jealous of his flight…
And even funnier yet, our clumsy attempts to fly,
and how so often we fool ourselves and take our eyes
off our target, and how we so often just despair.
He spotted prey, he swooped, he dove, he missed.
He wheeled around and perched again, his body shook
As he laughed out loud at himself; and then he tried
Again; he could take a joke that was on himself.
Can you? Be like the owl, be of good cheer, the lesson is
To try and try again, and if and when you fail, have
A good laugh on yourself; laugh until you cry, for that
Is life – you’re bound to fail from time to time; Just sigh
And chuckle and tell yourself, “Oh well, I tried. I’ll try again.
And again, util I damned well succeed. I have planted
The seed of success, and life shall be mine!” Laugh
Like the good old wise owl; never give up! Hoo-hoo!
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Image posted by Carol Hovsepian in Smile of the Day Oct. 22-18
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