There is Hunger in the World


There is Hunger in the World
There is hunger in the world
To be loved
A hunger to be acknowledged
To belong
There is hunger in the world
For quiet
And a hunger everywhere
For peace
(Well, not everywhere, for there is still
not peace
There is still
Not love
There is an appetite in some hearts
For hate
A hunger to be acknowledged
As better than you
There is a hunger in the hearts of some
For civil disquiet)
Better to break bread together
Than to shout and fight
Better to aim higher
To shine brighter with love
Than to starve with hate
Oh, there is hunger in the mind
For saying
And humger in the soul
For hearing
Hunger amongst the poor
Amidst the downtrodden
And the memory loss people
The cancer-ridden, the lost
And the stolen,
Hunger amidst all who wander
In the mind, in the land
There is seeking
Seeking food for the belly
Food for the mind
Food for the soul
There is craving in the world
Craving for understanding
There is searching for a voice
There is a reaching out
For a friendly hand
To shake
There is a hunger in the world
That is not being fed
Hear the cries of the hungry
For they are life
And life is precious
More precious than all the words can tell
There is a hunger
Hunger in the world
Break bread with the hungry
Feed the starving minds
Break with the hatred
We are all of a kind
Reach out – Reach out.
There ius hunger for equal equality
Not equality only for the strong
There is hunger for justice for all
Not just equality for the self empowered
There is a hunger for recognition
Not just for the /privileged
There is a hunger for fair play
For one and for all, for anything less
Is privilege and reward for the heirs
And nothing muc left for the rest
Oh! There is hunger in this world.
Plant the seeds of equality, compassion,
Understanding, acceptance
Fertilize them with good faith
Help them grow.
It would be called democracy.


About admin

Judge at 6th Rabindrinath Tagore Awards - International - English Poetry Contest Author of Ann, A Tribute, and Chasing a Butterfly, A story of love and loss to Acceptance with the poetry of Alzheimer's and poetry for everybody. Appears in anthologies in Canada, US, India, Mexico and Bolivia. Poetry in Ekphrastic Review and NWriteers International Networeworld Review. Member of Federation of BC Wrters, Royal City Literary Society, and Holy Wow Poets Canada. Member Writers International Network: Distinguished Poet, Distinguished writer.
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