There Is Always Morning



There Is Always Morning

RE: There is always morning: –Gabriel Garcia Marquez. In his farewell re his lymphatic cancer (i.e., his last words to his public), he writes to the effect that If God forgot…(i.e., gave him more time), “…I would value things not for what they are worth, but for what they represent…”
This from my good friend Claremary Sweeney, Around Zuzu’s Barn, July 10, 2016, upon the baptism of little Gilbert. This takes you to the site:
**Note: this takes you to WordPress login

There Is Always Morning

There is always morning,
It’s God’s good day to you,
It’s God’s most gifted way
To prove that love is true.

When there is no more morning…
Your aura will paint the sky,
The Earth will lose its orbit,
And God will cry!

But for today, my darling,
There will always be a morning;
Have faith in that, my darling,
No more mourning.

There is always morning,
Time to say your love,
Time to hug your loved ones,
Embrace the dove.

Say your mornings new, my love,
Say your mornings new,
Do not keep them secret,
We crave to hear them now.

Life is not for mystery,
Life is for to love, you know;
Don’t waste them on futile hatred,
You know what hatred can bestow

Now that God has granted.
One more day to live,
Live it with all-out vigour
Love that you are loved

There is always morning: Kiss the Sun


Kiss the day with ardour,
As if nevermore a morning;
Embrace it like an arbour,
It’s a gift, adorning.

Savour the flavour of the day,
The sun has blessed this morning.
Stay your discontentment,
For there is always morning.

The sun shines even when it rains,
The sun shines above the clouds
Waiting for us to clear our banes,
For there is always morning.

Do not drop into despair,
For morning comes to bless you,
And morning can repair.
Believe that morning’s true.

There is always morning!
It’s how God says ‘good day.’
It’s his gift to calm the storming,
It’s God’s most gifted way.

If there is always morning

If this were your final morning,
Would you greet the day with love?
If you were given one last wish,
Would you wish me love?

I wish you sunshine all your days,
With new hopes to be a-borning,
And rain to make them bloom,
For there is always morning.

Value things but not for worth,
Value what they represent;
Value people’s inner worth
More than they present.

For there is always morning,
And that you can’t deny,
For if the mornings ended,
God would cry!

CREDITS: Sunrise:  Clip Art. Links are broken.
A Kiss for the Morning Sun:

About admin

Judge at 6th Rabindrinath Tagore Awards - International - English Poetry Contest Author of Ann, A Tribute, and Chasing a Butterfly, A story of love and loss to Acceptance with the poetry of Alzheimer's and poetry for everybody. Appears in anthologies in Canada, US, India, Mexico and Bolivia. Poetry in Ekphrastic Review and NWriteers International Networeworld Review. Member of Federation of BC Wrters, Royal City Literary Society, and Holy Wow Poets Canada. Member Writers International Network: Distinguished Poet, Distinguished writer.
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